もくじ 1 . 型紙を準備する 2 . 生地に芯地を貼る 3 . 生地を裁断する 4 . 表地を縫う 5 . 裏地を縫う 6 . 表地と裏地を縫い合わせる 7 . 綿を詰める 8 . 裏地の穴を塞ぐ この型紙のダウンロードはこちらから 型紙の購入ページへ 手順 1 型紙を準備する...
Table of contents 1. Decide the size of the headgear 2. Print the pattern 3. Cut the pattern and paste it together 4. Cut the fabric 5. Transfer the pattern...
How to make a basic body Recipe “Basic Edition” How to make hair, face, and clothes Recipe “Advanced version” Table of contents 1. Think about design 2. Copy the design...
How to make a basic body Recipe “Basic Edition” How to make hair, face, and clothes Recipe “Advanced version” Table of contents 1. Decide on the size of the doll...
Table of contents 1. Decide the size of the headgear 2. Print the pattern 3. Cut the pattern and paste it together 4. Attach the adhesive to the outer material...
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